dimecres, 26 de març del 2008

En Pascal: el fotògraf

Estimades i estimats escurionistes,

Tan aviat com vaig rebre el correu del Lluís, vaig escriure el Pascal per a comentar-li que havia nascut el blog de la Colla Escursionista de Colera. Em va respondre:

“How nice! Also nice to receive an email. Yes, it was a nice walk. Never expected to do that around Colera.

If we don't come this summer we will come or next summer or next next summer. It is just that the time of kidsholidays is changing.
They made a shift system so that not all the people have vacation at the same time. We have to make a choice between the things that we can do with the amount of time AND the amount of money. If we had a lot more money we would buy a house in Colera and stay there much longer. For me it's like paradise. I really like to sit on the beachside or the balcony and hear and smell and see the sea and the people walking around ('playing' their lives).”

família dels marcels